Turn of the century-themed wedding at Wisteriahurst
Jessica and Mike wanted a turn of the century themed wedding, and what better location than Wisteriahurst, the historic mansion and cultural center in Holyoke. After the ceremony they and their guests traveled to the Roosevelt Room at Union Station in Northampton – more of the turn-of-the-century theme as it’s the great hall of the railway station in Northampton, built right before 1900. Locations: Ceremony: Wisteriahurst, Holyoke; Reception: Roosevelt Room, Union Station, Northampton Photos by Brian Marsh Photography
Putting the farm to bed for the winter…
October is kind of a bittersweet month, no pun on bittersweet, that gorgeous, noxious, invasive vine intended! October means frost, which means the end of most of my flowers, including the dahlias, ageratum, and zinnias that populated so many of my fall-themed bouquets and arrangements. October means the end of my summer farmer’s market. October means I only have a few more weeks to make sure everything I want to overwinter has its best chance of making it. This means lots of digging, planting the stragglers, mulching, snipping, and covering. October means apples and pears the various jams and butters I make. October means wildcrafting wreath making supplies and dried…
Year 2: flowers I’m loving, flowers I’m not
This is half a note to myself for next year, half a blog post! Now that I’m smack dab in the middle of year 2 of my little flower farm, I’ve developed some clear favorites and discovered some flowers that simply were not worth space or money. Some are too fiddly and not very impressive, some are kind of ugly, and some simply aren’t worth the bed space. Plants I grew this year that I could do without: delphinium. I know! It’s gorgeous! Its blooms make a nice flower crown. But in the kind of arrangements and bouquets I’m doing right now it’s too tall to use effectively and it…