Who knew? 2018 in review!

Last night I was at a New Year’s Eve party with friends I hadn’t seen in person for a couple of years. We moved to Massachusetts in 2015, and so while most my North Carolina friends and I stay in touch via social media, many of them I usually only see once a year, if that.
Here’s the cool thing, y’all: every single one of them told me how beautiful my flowers were, how much pleasure they got out of seeing the bouquets, and many of them also said: WHO KNEW? Who knew you could do that? Who knew you had that business in you?
I didn’t. I hadn’t. But guess what? I did and I do!
Here’s the deal: we moved from North Carolina to Massachusetts to seek better supports and services for my youngest son, who has a neurobehavioral and neurodevelopmental disorder. Before we moved my primary professions had been (in this order): caregiver to my kid(s), special needs trainer and advocate, farmers’ market manager, helpmeet/marketer for our family businesses. I’ve also owned an online business for a while, but it’s kind of quiet and boring, so while it helped pay the bills it wasn’t anything anyone remembered. When I worked full time out of the house it was in our local public schools, but for most of the 5-6 years before we moved I was unable to really work outside of the house because of my son’s needs. I imagine most of my friends saw me mostly doing the mom-thing.
I’d always gardened. A lot. And propagated plants, and grown flowers and vegetables. Some of the flowers I’d put into arrangements, but only for myself or for friends. Nothing beyond that. Nothing professional.
So now – after this great, great year – people are seeing what I’ve been doing and they are surprised! Surprised and happy for me. I’m surprised and happy for me, too! It’s been 3 years since we moved, 3 years since I started my farm, and 3 years I’ve been practicing design, and it’s come to fruition!
Highlights of 2018:

And finally, the weddings. I still don’t have all the pictures back from the weddings I did in 2018, but I’ll post as I get them. To see the weddings for which I do have pictures, click here. I learned SO MUCH about weddings this year: pricing, working with clients, work flow, sourcing, and timing. I am grateful for all the couples who trusted me to flower their weddings, and I’m super excited about the year ahead.
So many amazing, gorgeous florals in 2018. So many more to come!