Join Our Team!

Join Our Team!

Passalongs Farm is looking for a part-time team member for the end of the 2024 season (August – mid December.)

The job:  tending, and harvesting during the summer and fall, breaking down beds and planting late fall, and winter wreath work in December.

Other jobs: assistance designing floral arrangements for weddings, CSA, and our flower stand, and help with delivering weddings and special orders.

You: are available 15-20 hours a week (occasionally more), the middle of August – October.

We work in the morning, Tuesdays-Saturdays. This position is somewhat flexible re: which days of the week will be required, but the 15-20 hours will be spread over 3-4 mornings and should include most Saturdays for wedding assistance.

Pay starts at $20/hour.

No design experience necessary, but applicants who have farm or other manual labor experience are preferred. Ideal candidates will have lots of energy and want to dig in the dirt. Also able to work in hot weather, rainy weather, and in between, for 3-6 hours at a time. Must be physically able to wheel a wheelbarrow full of mulch, dig holes, pull weeds, and stand at a workbench for several hours to help create floral designs. A good attitude, commitment to the season, passion for plants and flowers, reliability, and creativity are musts!

To apply, send an email to and write me a few sentences about why you think you’d be good for the job, your availability, and any relevant experience.

This post will remain up until the position is filled.